Attack Of The MUNNY At SCAD

posted in: Style & Culture | 15


The Savannah College of Art and Design, along with Residence Life and Housing, hosted a student MUNNY show at the River Club on April 15. The show was split up into different categories including functionality, decorative, character, best of show and people’s choice. Judging was determined by a select panel of faculty as well as attendees. Where these art students found time to create these clever designs, one will never know.

15 Responses

  1. Angella

    Very good!! I think I like them all. Keep creating. Angie L

  2. mfxray

    Thanks for the comments. The siamese twin Munny up top belongs to me. It was great to be part of such a successful show. Props to Sarah and Clinton!

  3. wwwasws?

    How DARE they put a live frog in that little tube! It's animal abuse!!

  4. A Sitting Duck

    These are moving creativity to the next level! :]

  5. xyien dgk

    these are all sick even the bioshock one is awesome xyien

  6. Tweets that mention Attack Of The MUNNY At SCAD:: Kidrobot's Blog, The KRonikle --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kidrobot, g33kgurrl, LadyGlock, Corocet, Jordan Yee and others. Jordan Yee said: Man I wish AAU in SF had a munny show, I go there. RT @KidrobotRules: MUNNY show at Savannah College of Art and Design. […]