Cynical Signs On Streets Of NYC And Miami

posted in: Style & Culture | 7


Culture jamming street art organization, TrustoCorp has strategically positioned some cynical yet clever road signs throughout New York and Miami. This secretive New York based art operation is taking the initiative to design, fabricate and install these incognito works of social satire. With a bigger picture in mind, TrustoCorp has developed a very funny map of where signs are located in NYC on their website. Check out their Flickr page for more updates. Keep your eyes peeled because TrustoCorp is coming to a city near you.

Is that Billy Banana I spy on the bottom picture?

7 Responses

  1. Westkylevirus

    I actually own the fallout shelter one. It's in better condition than that one lol, but I found it on ebay a while back after checking for Tristan Eaton stuff.

  2. rawkkiddo

    awesome stuff here, like things like this out in public that make you take a second look. Banksy made a living on this and he did it well

  3. farfignougat

    unnecessary crassness. profanity and the like is for predictable, uninventive, immature snots who have little to say besides an occasional tantrum behind the 4-letter words. you disrespect yourself, and taint your own so-called rebellion.