MUNNYWORLD Highlight – 9/15/10

posted in: Toys | 11


The Kidrobot MUNNYWORLD Flickr group is filled with a shmorgishborg of customs. This weeks spotlight shines on The Broccoli Bandit by Detroit artist, Kill Taupe.

He sneaks into the farm fields under the cover of darkness to steal all the delicious broccoli. He’s the vegetarian cousin of the Chupacabra, he’s the Broccoli Bandit!

This custom Mini RAFFY was created using acrylics and sculpey. Scope out more of Kill Taupe’s art on his Flickr page.

Get creative with a new MUNNYWORLD character! Customize it and upload a pic or two on our MUNNYWORLD Flickr group for the whole world to see. Every Wednesday, we randomly award a MUNNYWORLD figure to a lucky toymaker and feature it on the KRonikle! So get your MUNNYWORLD and get to customizing. You can do anything you want!

11 Responses

    • Shannon Williams

      "and the stomach cutaway is totally Amanda Visell's "

      To you kind sir, i say.."PROVE IT!"

      (I will admit she over use's the concept. But she didn't invent it.)

  1. Shannon Williams

    I really don't see Visell here, it's actually pretty representative of the guy's other work as a whole. Amanda's work is more earthy and more hand-made craft driven than even this, and way more stylized.
    Also ,I do not believe she created the stomach cut-away silhouette thing. Artist's are inspired by what they see around them all the time, that's kinda of the idea, even if he was going for that angle or not, it's still a nice piece.
    And on a side note, "Criticism" doesn't have to be so critical. You don't have too bash everything you don't like,to put across your different opinion. Encouragement grows a better artist,than being negative to one. But, sadly not many people will understand what i just wrote. And will continue to think the internet is an anonymous bash everything zone.

  2. Tweets that mention MUNNYWORLD Highlight – 9/15/10:: Kidrobot's Blog, The KRonikle --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Boogiie Boyd , Kidrobot. Kidrobot said: This week, we shine the MUNNYWORLD spotlight on The Broccoli Bandit by @Killtaupe. […]

    • Andrea b.

      I thought the same thing and was going to say something. Glad i am not the only one that noticed. Odd that kr would promote a rip-off of one of their own artists. Shame kr. Shame.