New Yorkers Let Off Steam With Punch Me Panda

posted in: Featured, Style & Culture | 5


Living in New York can be very frustrating and sometimes you just need to punch something. Brooklyn artist Nate Hill has created Punch Me Panda, a performance art project that invites you take out your aggression by punching him in the chest.

I chose the panda suit because the panda face really melts people’s heart. I wanted to have people get out their aggression on something cute. It’s fun to have that contradiction. This is an art project. I’m not just a thrill seeker.

With the idea of offering a public service to help people let off steam, Punch Me Panda goes all over New York and gets punched 100’s of times a day. Visit Nate Hill’s website or follow him on Twitter @natexhill to catch his next available punching appearance.


photos by Rob Bennet

5 Responses

  1. Kehly Maples

    Why can't they do stuff like that in Phoenix? Lord knows just about everyone here needs to release a little aggression.

  2. Clayton Bidding

    I fear for anyone who goes to a Disney amusement park after their children witness them punching Punch Me Panda.

    Billy: Look Mommy! It's Pooh Bear *PUNCH RIGHT IN THE NUTS*
    Mom: Billy NO! That's inappropriate!
    Billy: But… you punched the Panda in the market *sob of confusion*