Thinkfast! 9/29

posted in: Contests | 24

Name the artist who designed these Snowman Canisters.

Bonus question: What would you put in them?!?

Leave your answer in the comments. First right answer wins a Series 4 Frank Kozik Golden Ticket Dunny!


The answer is…Marcel Dzama. Congrats to Debbie! You won a Frank Kozik Golden Ticket Dunny!

24 Responses

  1. seashelley

    @Rsinart: Extra Dunny Arms??? What do you have a bunch of extra dunny arms for?!?! I hope you’re not killing the poor things!!!

  2. Yiao

    Marcel Dzama? I’ll put nothing in it, i will trow it away. Ugly…. (Do is say something bad?)

  3. Dan Castillo

    Marcel Dzama is the artist…

    I’d put ice cream toppings in em.

  4. jessie

    t’would be cool if they were matreshka dolls
    and they could be placed inside one another

    oh yea and marcel dzama again

  5. jessie

    marcel dzama

    ….i will put the awesome dead insects i have found in
    these canisters for safe keeping, until i find
    something to do with them…..

  6. icon

    marcel dzama is not the right answer.

    and these canisters are meant to hopes and dreams of little children.

    whoa. I think I need some candy or something.

  7. popojijo

    damn to slow but Marcel Dzama is correct

    and I think I would put a bunch of day of the dead sugar skulls in them

  8. shuzluva

    Marcel Dzama for Cerealart and I’d have to have candy corn in ’em.