38 Degrees Celsius Dunny By Sergio Mancini

posted in: Toys | 8


Brazilian artist, Sergio Mancini of Red Mutuca Studios has re-created his excellent design from last year’s “Most Wanted” Artist Series, 38 Degrees Celsius Dunny. This masterful custom now resides in the private collection of Most Wanted’s initiator and fellow vinyl addict, Manny Rivas aka mANNEe. Join in the discussion on Kidrobot’s Forums and stay up to date with the “Most Wanted” Artist Series 2 coming in 2011.

8 Responses

  1. Manny Rivas

    It's a really great piece in person! It's definitely tops in my display case. Thanks WB for posting this so that others can enjoy it as much as I have, Sergio is an amazing customizer, as are all of the guys from MW series ;) And I don't think we should be putting too much emphasis on how much it would cost to turn it into a production, let's just enjoy yet another amazing custom from one of the many talented artists that reside on the KR boards! Hope you guys like em as much as I do!

  2. Red Pencil

    It's easy to do a 1 to 5 run ! If KR had to do a large run of this…… It would probably have to coast double the normal rate. You try making a toy and keep it under a 100 bucks. If you can i am sure KR, would give you some work.

  3. Jim

    MDCN: I think it’s a great design, but you shouldn’t disparage the other artists. To each their own… ;)

  4. MDCN

    That's better than 90% of the CRAP that KR produces anymore.