Kidrobot is thrilled to release another art piece with San Diego based artist, Colus Havenga aka Colus. Colus and Kidrobot have previously teamed up for the Ravenous Resin Art Figures, The Hunted 8” Dunny and The Art of War Dunny Series. This time we picked his brain to know a little bit more about what the new Jumper art figures are about, how he creates his pieces and asked his advice on how to keep your head up in a world that is so often willing to push you down. Here is our recent Q&A with Colus about his new figures releasing today at Kidrobot.com:
Kidrobot Q&A with Colus
You mentioned this piece is about always trying to jump to your highest potential… can you expand on this?
Jumper is about overcoming those voices internally and externally that tells you that you will never be good enough. Its up to you if you want to remain stuck or if you want to better yourself and jump higher. It also could just be a hare impaled on a post if you don’t want to go deeper than that haha.
Was there a certain instance or perhaps you have experienced a lot of disappointment or moments you could have thrown in the towel as an artist?
Luckily I have never been at a point where I was faced with giving up being creative for a living. I can tell you however that if I asked myself 20 years ago that I will be half the globe away in America making toys for a living I would just laugh in your face. I’m not a beacon of success by any stretch but I feel that life is about a million little obstacles and hurdles and that each of them opens a mini door in which you move forward.
The idea of someone wanting to give up probably resonates with a lot of people…what advice would you give people who are going through that stage right now?
One thing that has always stuck with me is that no one will ever believe in your dream as much as you. This sounds cheesy but in the end of the day you are your own champion. No one is going to do it for you. If something did not work you need to be open to pivot your idea and retry. Failing is a good thing as long as you learn from it and try again.
What are some of your biggest accomplishments in art?
Having a company like Kidrobot wanting to make the toys you created is giant big deal to me. I would also add that being in a community where my work has a place is a big accomplishment for me. The space is filled with so much talent.
Is there something in movies, art, or pop culture that you would say influences your art?
Gloom. I love gloomy music. It puts me in the right headspace to be creative. The Witchhouse genre has been a massive influence on me. Its just a wall of sound that is super dark and drony and makes you feel like everything is pointless. It makes me think more honestly.
Here are some examples:
White Ring – IxC999
TEMPELHOF – crakkhouse
What are you trying to bring to the art world?
Hopefully something unique and refreshing while walking the line between designer toy and art sculpture. I’m still figuring all this out.
Do you do better working on art alone or with an audience?
Its amazing feeding off an audience while working or doing signings but that’s not my comfort zone at all. My work is very personal to me and I tend to do better working alone so that I have time to obsess and mill over things.
Will we ever see something brightly colored by Colus?
I’m open to anything and if the piece lends itself to it sure! I use the monotone style as a foundation and work from there. If a piece needs color then so be it. I like to pepper an accent color in here or there. I think it would be great having an uber rare version of a release be in full color. Kidrobot, I’m happy to explore that if you want to talk ;)
What is your favorite thing about this piece?
I love the simplicity of it and I feel it represents my style very well.