Amazing new custom MUNNYs are always being uploaded to our MUNNY Flickr group.
Check out the latest and greatest from some of the most talented artists out there and add your own to be featured on this page!
You can pick up a MUNNY at Kidrobot locations, kidrobot.com and retail stores all over!

Art Asylum Boston
Congratulations to Jon-Paul kaiser for having his Custom painted munny featured on KR’s Kronikle. This Munny will be featured at Art Asylum Boston’s “Art Strikes Back” Group show November 6th in Boston, MA
Any one interested in additional information visit http://www.artasylumboston.com
Art Asylum Boston
Congratulations to Jon-Paul kaiser for his Munny being featured on KidRobot’s Kronikle.
This Munny will be available at Art AsyLum Boston’s upcoming group show titled “Art Strikes back” November 6th in Boston,MA Featuring works form over 40 artists from around the world showcasing their perspective of the Star Wars Universe. For additional info or to sign up for the preview list please contact info@artasylumboston.com or visist http://www.artasylumboston.com
Awesome! My Ackbar’s up there!!!
Loving the Dolly oblong one!!! Amazing!