Yesterday, August 1 kicked off the countdown to Dunny Series 2010 with a Daily Dunny feature by Sket One. Everyday until August 19 Kidrobot will reveal a photo of a new design and a contest for your chance to win some awesome Dunny related prizes.
Contest: Sket recently released a batch of 8-inch custom Sketchup Dunnys. How many did he make and how much did they cost?
Enter to win an exclusive Mustard Dunny by emailing your answer to dunny2010@kidrobot.com before 11:59 pm PST tonight, August 2. The winner will be drawn from all correct entries and announced tomorrow morning.
Congratulations to B. R. Bradford! You won an exclusive Mustard Dunny by Sket One.
The correct answers are 20 pieces for $550 each.
I love this dunny! I saw the original a while ago and have been hoping for it to be in a series ever since. I'm chuffed to bits it's in this series
That's a really easy question. Too bad I wasn't here when this segment started.
cool beans! I love it!