Dalek for Ai Records 10th Anniversary Vinyl

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Ai Records Dalek

Artist Dalek worked with Ai Records to create disc artwork for 200 limited-edition vinyls. The discs celebrate Ai Record’s 10th Anniversary release of it’s first record, Experiments in Colour, and feature remixes of tracks from the original EP.

Each track has its own design, making the discs a work of visual and audio art.

Check out more Dalek work on kidrobot.com.

Via Hypebeast.

  1. Tweets that mention Dalek for Ai Records 10th Anniversary Vinyl:: Kidrobot KRonikle -- Topsy.com

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kidrobot, Anthony Thomas. Anthony Thomas said: RT @KidrobotRules: Space Monkey KR artist, Dalek puts his iconic color usage to vinyl for Ai Records 10th Anniversary. http://bit.ly/7323l4 […]