Favela Paintings By Haas & Hahn

posted in: Style & Culture | 13


Brazilian art duo, Hass & Hahn brighten up the Santa Marta community in Rio with vivid colors and acute angles. After filming a documentary about hip hop and graffiti in Brazil, they were inspired to bring outrageous works to unexpected places. Their latest journey has taken them to Santa Marta, where they worked with the locals to transform the neighborhood into a highly saturated rainbow of colors. Haas & Hahn have some grand ideas for the future. Find more information and see past projects on their website, favelapainting.com

13 Responses

  1. brunanovo

    Nice… here in Brazil, the favelas look a little like this… a little… they are not so BEAUTIFUL… (^_^)

  2. Jerry

    howww. that amazing¡¡¡ hope they do something in Mexico some day

  3. Luiz Arthur

    amazing! i could go there walking and i don't even known about these paintings. Really cool.
    O Brasil agradece .

  4. Tweets that mention Favela Paintings By Haas & Hahn:: Kidrobot's Blog, The KRonikle -- Topsy.com

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mr. Kamoji, Alex+Nelson, WALASIA MJ SHABAZZ, Pablo Muñez  ▲, Matheus Muniz Santos and others. Matheus Muniz Santos said: RT @Kidrobot: Vivid favela painting by Brazilian duo, Haas & Hahn! http://bit.ly/cRxwCn […]

  5. MacIX

    Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 should upload this design into their map pack of Favela