Turn up the volume, (or adjust the lighting on your laptop) cuz Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking is celebrating the release of the NEW KIdrobot X Adult Swim Mini Series release!
Kidrobot is happy to celebrate Adult Swim as the best thing ever for folks that miss the experience of Saturday morning cartoons but wish they had been less ambiguous about the mature themes. You know there was some weird stuff going on in those shows that your young mind couldn’t quite comprehend and looking back now its amazing we didn’t all end up weirdos. If I had kids I would skip that other stuff and start em off watching Adult Swim so they can learn the important things school doesn’t teach em. You can’t get a better lesson in interpersonal relations than from the Squidbillies. Samurai Jack will teach them discipline through sword play, and The Venture Brothers will show them how great of a time you can have with a lot of money and a lack of supervision. I suddenly feel unsure of the point i was arguing.
You too can celebrate the majesty that is Adult Swim with this new blind boxed mini series. Each one contains a mystery figure from your favorite shows that will spruce up your living area or make your desk the envy of the office. Although they might be a huge red flag to your boss, depending on what sort of job it is you have. But they may also signal to that cutie in cubicle three that you have exquisite taste in television and know how to have a good time. Better pack an extra PB and J just in case.
Live in the L.A. Area?? be sure to stop by the 3D Retro x Kidrobot Adult Swim Mini Series Release party where we celebrate the new series with the creators and artists of some of your favorite shows!

These are available right now from www.kidrobot.com