All hail the king(s)! Here is another blog post about our new Kidrobot x Andy Warhol masterpiece Dunny by our good friend Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking.
Only Kidrobot has the ability to bring the king of pop art and the king of rock and roll together with the king of designer vinyl toys. This eight inch Masterpiece Dunny features Andy Warhol’s well know screen printed interpretation of the one and only Elvis Presley. I’ve never been lucky enough to see one of the original pieces this figure is based on, but I did stop in a roadside antique store in an old barn in Virginia once, and one wall was completely covered in velvet Elvis paintings. Dozens of these pictures were arranged in a display so majestic that they may have been placed there by the hands of divinity. It was a level of beauty my own decorating abilities could aspire to but never actually achieve and I still get short of breath thinking about it.

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