Packed with a punch or rainbows and glitter, the 5″ Labbicorn by Frank Kozik is officially online and ready to add extra sparkle to your Labbit collection. Here to say a little something else about this mystic wonder is our good friend Chris Holt, aka The Toy Viking!
As much as I try to be an optimist, I seriously doubt that you’ll find any little Irish people or their gold coins at the end of this rainbow. Just colorful remnants of Taco Tuesday, which this Labbicorn has apparently treated like a competition. Frank Kozik’s favorite child has gone all cute on us, so much so that it is literally bursting at the seams in this latest release from Kidrobot.
The act of someone upchucking usually makes me feel like I have shrimp dancing in the back of my throat, but even I could hold her hair back as she expells an extra helping of ROYGBIV all over the place. I mean, how could you not just fall in love with such a creature when she looks up at you with those doe like eyes. One glance will melt your heart, which some would say is a life threatening cardiac situation but I say totally worth it to bask in the adorableness of this Labbit. I lay down my life for you, you smooshy wittle cutie pie.
Prepare for those clouds of misery to be driven away forever when you welcome this Labbicorn into your life. She’s available now at