Kidrobot’s Throwback Thursday: Arcane Divination 5″ Azazel Dunny

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We all know that the future is always uncertain. It’s also said we can learn a great deal from the past. In this case we can learn that the Arcane Divination capsule continues to mystify collectors and add texture, gothic architecture and color to any Dunny or Art collection. Here to mention the previous delight of the Arcane Divination 5″ Azazel Dunny by artist JPK just in time for the new release of the 5″ Gabriel Dunny by artist, J*RYU is our good friend Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking!

  The world of Arcane Divination is ready to expand yet again and before Kidrobot drops a new 5 inch Dunny tomorrow, I wanted to take a look at its companion piece from Jon Paul Kaiser. This thing is mean, nasty, and the reason we learned how to make weaponry and cosmetics. Yup, he is directly to blame for the kind of selfies I wish more people were taking.
     His name is Azazel and he was all about corrupting mankind. He was like your best friend’s older brother who wore a jean jacket covered in heavy metal band patches and had a seemingly neverending supply of fireworks and other dangerous objects at his disposal. In other words, he was pretty cool to hang out with. Being a rebel comes at a price, and the story goes that he is chained upside down in some mountain, and when the Apocalypse hits he’s going to be cast into the fire for his misdeeds. Talk about strict. Can’t a guy learn from his mistakes? I mean, you teach human beings witchcraft, which was pushing things a little far, but how about make the guy do trash duty along the highway? Gives you lots of time to think when you’re picking up soda cans and fast food wrappers.
    Luckily for collectors out there this bad guy is still available to bring some much needed darkness into your collection. Pick one up at and be prepared for all the fun stuff you might learn from him. I hope mine teaches me sailing knots.