Made With Love By Peter

posted in: Featured, Toys | 27


Everyday here at Kidrobot, we receive a ton of design submissions for upcoming series’ of Dunnys. This featured design mailed in by Peter Ferrarese age 12, was inspired by our Dunny Series 2010 and his love for crayons. You’ve got to admire Peter’s initiative sending in original art and concept on a hand written letter. Peter’s design has been added to the never ending stack of submissions our creative team combs through when curating a new series of Dunnys. Thank you very much Peter for sharing.

If you are an artist that is inspired by Kidrobot and Dunnys, email your designs, ideas or questions to

27 Responses

  1. Ethan

    Great job peter. Your idea is very creative. I made a dunny design too. Btw i did not try to copy u in any way at all

  2. Carolyn

    Peter, you are so talented and so creative. This is only the beginning for you! Love Cousins Carolyn and Michael.

  3. Bento

    Mine are a fox artist and a cutting pattern dunny. I hope they post it!

  4. Bento

    LOVE IT!!!!! I am also designing several dunnys for a series!

  5. susie aldrich

    Peter, your design is amazing! Great job! I think you have an incredible talent and a bright future.

  6. Cousin Ed

    So cool… So original… You have an eye for design and talent! Looking forward to seeing your Dunny soon. Your letter was a winner too. Always, Cousin Ed

  7. linda scull

    Really creative and an amazing letter from a 12 year old ! Hope to see your Dunny on the shelf in 2011 ! Linda

  8. Lou Ferrarese

    Terrific! Thanks for sharing this with us. Teeth in this family are always interesting! You are so smart
    and we are very proud of you! Looking forward to the results! Love!xoe

  9. Lou Ferrarese

    Peter, only imagination and intelligence could create such a work and you have an abundance of both. Just outstanding!

  10. ChewieOK

    very creative and would actually make a fine colorful dunny…..

  11. Nagian

    Very smooth Peter, this is one most unique designs I've seen from some one your age.
    I really hope this a 2011 piece.

  12. Carolee

    Go PETER. Great interpretation. Should be a 2011 introduction.

  13. girlrobots

    I think there should be a children-designed series in the future.

    • Seamus Donahue

      I'm a child and I think I'm a pretty good artist. Don't believe me check out my YouTube page just search
      hoodiehawk on YouTube!