MUNNYWORLD Highlight – 8/4/10

posted in: Toys | 5


Joe Scarano’s mono-toned character, Jo Jo beans is this weeks MUNNYWORLD Highlight winner.

Olde tyme Jo Jo beans is a sad sad man. Drifting from town to town looking for drunken hobos so he can steal their teeth or small children to scare.
He is a miserable fool.

Get your hands on a new MUNNYWORLD character, customize it and upload it to our MUNNYWORLD Flickr group to show the world! Every Wednesday, we randomly award a MUNNYWORLD figure to a lucky toymaker and feature it on the KRonikle! So get your MUNNYWORLD and get crackin, you can do anything you want!

5 Responses

    • we_rdo

      thats cause you're not aware about other working artists. do some research. dont get me wrong, brandt is good but trust me he is not reinventing the wheel. there are a ton of artists that resemble this sweeeet old timey style.

  1. Tweets that mention MUNNYWORLD Highlight – 8/4/10:: Kidrobot's Blog, The KRonikle --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Joshua Artono, Lumen, Lumen, Rian M. Rakestraw, claudia colomine and others. claudia colomine said: RT @Kidrobot: New MUNNYWORLD Highlight winner, Jo Jobeans by Joe Scarano. […]