My Favorite Toy – PON

posted in: Toys | 6
Submitted by PON

This is the Spraycan Monster by SEEN.  I have both color ways, the other being the red and the grey reversed variant.

I remember when this first came out, much like any other graffiti artist growing up I was all about anything SEEN. When I walked into the store to buy this I was like “HOLY SHIT.” I couldn’t believe how much they cost, after all, they are just fucking toys right?  WRONG, lol. This toy was my introduction into the designer/urban toy world. I was addicted to the feel and the look of the vinyl and to this day I hold the toys I collect, make or design to this standard.

6 Responses

  1. NotNotaRobot

    Michael, this is a classic piece and you may not even have the luck enough to find one up on eBay. I would however continue your search in hopes that this one day could be in your collection.

  2. paulweiss

    its crazy to see these old head og artists doing these toys it is awesome…………craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!!!!!!!!!