Sneaker Sculptures By Mita Shiniti

posted in: Style & Culture | 10


Japanese stylist, Mita Shiniti has fabricated some incredible sculptures and furniture out of sneakers. His recently passed Tenki exhibition at the Gallery Speak For in Shibuya was clean, cool and very creative. By reconstructing stark white Nike Dunks, Shiniti combined photography and sculpture to create a stunning exhibition.

10 Responses

  1. Tweets that mention Sneaker Sculptures By Mita Shiniti:: Kidrobot's Blog, The KRonikle --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by CASTRO, CASTRO, matthew abercrombie, matthew abercrombie, Branden Yearsley and others. Branden Yearsley said: Sweet sneaker sculptures by Mita Shiniti! (via @Kidrobot) […]

  2. 10years

    I probably have enough white sneakers to make that sculpture in the second picture. But I'm probably not artistic enough to make it.

    • Deftoned

      As one of said Sneaker heads, it definitely isn't torture, I love it. The kicks he's using are obviously all GR (general release) – stuff anyone could buy 100 pairs of from any footlocker. It's great to see sneakers transcend street culture and become fine art.