30 minutes until our ambiguous & immaculate lady of Armageddon & Natural Disaster releases on Kidrobot.com. Will you be one of the luck few to receive the Kidrobot Exclusive Sue Nami by Zoltron? Here to mention a little more on this toxic collection is our good friend Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking.
And now it’s time for something completely different. Kidrobot isn’t just about celebrating our own creations, as the designer toy world is a massive and ever growing entity that deserves to be celebrated at every turn. With that in mind, allow us to present your new favorite conversation piece: Sue Nami from Zoltron.
A physical representation of unspeakable disaster, Sue Nami materialized just after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan. Debuting on a concert poster, she has since popped up all over the world in street art, gallery exhibitions, and even as DIY Halloween costumes. For those not inclined to dye their hair blue or peel the skin from their face for that authentic look, you can now own her as three dimensional figure.
Produced by the fine folks at Bigshot Toyworks, this will probably make the rest of the things on your shelf uncomfortable, but in like a good way. Just like the transfer student with the bonfire locks and eye brow piercing made me uncomfortable on the first day of my senior year in high school. Our love was brief and that brevity was the only thing that kept my soul in tact. Her name wasn’t the obvious red flag that Sue Nami is, which would have been helpful to my young male psyche.
Limited to only 50 tattoo clad pieces, they are $250 and only available at www.kidrobot.com.