NYCC 2011 – What’s Up With Jโ RYU
Army of Snipers artist, Jโ RYU kept busy customizing Dunnys live at the Art Whino booth all during NYCC.
Army of Snipers artist, Jโ RYU kept busy customizing Dunnys live at the Art Whino booth all during NYCC.
MISHKA NYC was in the house at NYCC.
Android creator and Dunny designer, Andrew Bell knows what’s up.
Philadelphia based skateboard company, EFFIGY was holding it down in the Cultyard this year at NYCC.
Art nerd super site, Trampt gives us a brief download to what the deal is with the emerging wiki style art toy website.
Dunny Series 2010 artist, MCA of EVIL DESIGN takes a moment from The Cultyard craziness to give us his trademarked evil stare.
Abe Lincoln Jr. says what’s up from The Art Hustle Booth at NYCC in The Cultyard.
Some of the mighty legionaries from Three A posted up in The Cultyard at NYCC this year.
New York Comic Con goers, get ready for the scavenger hunt hi-jinx with Kidrobot’s OPERATION: BLINDBOX.
The technologically advanced cool cats from Mimobot takes you on a whirlwind tour of The Cultyard at NYCC 2011.
Plush anatomy creator, I HEART GUTS holds it down in The Cultyard at NYCC.
Making their first appearance in The Cult Yard, Art Whino is killing it with tons of live art, limited edition prints, and original paintings.