Thinkfast: 10/27/09!

posted in: Contests | 46

updated 10/27/09

All the Mongers Filter Kings in Series 3 smork, but how many of them are visibly burning?

With your answer, include a number and a name or description of each one!

The first right answer wins a Glow-in-the-Dark Big Monger Booger and 3 Mongers Filter Kings by Frank Kozik!

Leave your answer in the comments below.


The answer is 2. Howie, and Cabo Labbit.

Congrats to Marc S of Syracuse, NY!

46 Responses

  1. Stephen

    uh like all of them? smoke? buring? rlly is it tht hard?

  2. geofries

    three, the zippo, the labbit sunbathing and the chase version of him sunbathing.


    21.. in all 21 figures there’s ash on the ciggarette’s and to make ash the ciggarette needs to burn

  4. aloneatthemicrophone

    Two: the zippo and the sunburnt cabo labbit

  5. Dre

    2 howie and the pink cabo labbit if you count being sun burned pink as burning

  6. nic

    The Flaming Zippo is the only one that is visibly burning. There are other ones that have a different colored cigarette tip but that only coincides with the body color.
    Flaming zippo is actually on fire though.

  7. Sid

    5, drake, the 2 boogers, smokey el roi, and bronstein. they are the only ones that has like a ripple in the ends to show its lit.

  8. steph

    the chase labbit is burning, the flower pot has a pink lite smoke, the zippo is on fire and the jack o lantern and the ghost. so 5

  9. carcrashheather

    Two- Labbits are tanning/burning. A light being aflame doesn’t mean it’s burning.

  10. SmokFX

    didn’t read sorry 3
    Cig has to be burning or there wouldn’t be an ash
    the Zippo is lit
    and the labbit is tanning or “burning”

  11. eug

    gonna say two cos the flower pot looks flaming…on the cigarette tip. I mean it’s not grey.

  12. omgwtflmao

    the zippo has a burning flame and the bunny is “burning” in the sun or seems to be.