posted in: Contests | 26


The TOY TWISTER MIXER UPPER is back and ready to challenge your eyes and toy knowledge! Enter to win a Dunny Azteca II blind box prize pack. There are 6 assorted toys in this puzzle ranging from rare releases to mini series. So please be specific when listing toy titles, colors, sizes and names of artists. Email with the correct answers, your name and where you’re from by 6pm EST tomorrow, Wednesday, February 2 to be entered in the drawing to win. Please title email entry TOY TWISTER MIXER UPPER.

Thinkfast, the first correct entry will win Marka27’s Azteca II Exclusive Minigod Dunny.

Congratulations to Chris O. for being the first correct entry to submit. You won the Azteca II Marka27 Exclusive Dunny.

Congratulations to Jessica C. you won the Dunny Azteca II blind box prize pack.

The correct answers are:

1. Blue, YUMMY Breakfast Keychains, 1.5-inch by Heidi Kenney
2. Vandal Express, 10-inch by SEEN
3. Visionaire No. 44, Black set, 4.5-inch by Hermes
4. Mick, Critter Splitter mini series, 2.5-inch by Jesse LeDoux
5. Flying Förtress Dunny, 8-inch by Flying Förtress
6. Paintball, Exclusive Fatcap, 3-inch by Nico Berry

26 Responses

  1. TFC

    NOOOO!!!! I got all the right answers like always! I thought KR would give this one to me! : (

  2. Kidrobot

    Sorry for the delay folks. Winner will be announced shortly!

    • Kidrobot

      Winners are announced at the top! Thanks for you're patience :})

  3. one

    Argh….can't get the last one…..I know I've seen it before….yellow bird with stereo..??