Vinylmore 3 – MUNNYLAND at Atomic Books

posted in: Style & Culture | 12


Atomic Books hosts its third annual custom toy show, Vinylmore 3 : MUNNYLAND in Baltimore, MD. There are works of nearly 40 multiversal artists who have created more than 60 pieces using MUNNY and MUNNYWORLD characters. Prizes are being awarded to the Best of Show and for the Peoples Choice. MUNNYLAND will be on display through May 2.

Designed by Sarah Mires.

Designed by Jim Lasher and Ayumi Yasuda.

12 Responses

  1. Christian Gallardo

    That slinky munny feels like its my favorite toy 2 play with

  2. @BaltimoreGal

    As someone who has the luxury of living a few blocks away from Atomic Books I have to say it's worth the trip to see these in person. The pictures are amazing because you see all the detail but when you see how tiny they are in real life you're blown away all over again. Not to mention there are about a thousand other things you'll want from this store!

  3. JEMoores

    I just purchased the Sock Munny… looks like it's a great show. Where can one keep up with Custom Munny shows, I'd like to enter a few of my own.

  4. Matthew

    Nice. I was not even aware of this. I live in NOVA and will go check it out.

  5. dunz0

    These are so awesome! I wish that I could check it out in person