Yummy World friends in the town of Sprinkle Tree are happy to add a spicy addition to the family with the new Yummy World XL Frye and the Fiery Puffs! Here to say a little something extra about these new friends is our favorite, Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking!
Frye and his Fiery puffs couldn’t have arrived at a better time, because it is getting chilly in Yummy World. The days are shorter, the leaves have abandoned the trees, and cold winds bring tidings of future snowfalls. But there’s no need to worry about your heating bill going up, because these guys will warm you from the inside! Figuratively of course, because they’re super sized plush, which is way more effective in keeping you warm when you hug it. But if they were legitimately edible you’re entire being would be en fuego. I’ll probably wish for that the first time I have to shovel my car out of a snow drift.

Featuring a bunch of spicy anthropamorphic puffs that are removable from their two foot tall packaging, this spicy treat can be yours now by visiting www.kidrobot.com.