Puddles Of Paint Brighten Up Streets Of Berlin

posted in: Style & Culture | 7

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This has got to be one of the most vibrant culture jams ever! Take a look as puddles of paint criss cross Rosenthaler Platz intersection in Berlin. City traffic inadvertently partakes in a passive aggressive public art installation. Or you could just call it graffiti.

Need a little splash of color in your wardrobe? Check out the sale on Kidrobots Smorkin’ spring apparel.

via wooster collective

7 Responses

  1. mangodan

    i live in south west london and there was something like this just outside my house
    but it was white so i guess it is just a coincedence (no colour)

  2. Sarah

    Ok, that's cool! And I am sure they thought about causing damage to people's cars and used the appropriate paints that would cause the effect they were looking for without damaging cars, buildings, city streets, and etc. I think it's great… it's breaking out of the norm and that is just beautiful. – imjustsarah.com

  3. J_Walrus

    That ain't art – just messing with peoples cars. If not waterproof, what are the expenses to clean their cars?

    The might a helluva lot better ways to brighter up others day…

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