It’s anther Throwback Thursday post by our favorite..Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking.
There has never been a better time to be a comic book fan than right now. Super heroes dominate the movies every major television station has shows centered around them, and comic conventions are so popular that barely a weekend goes by without one happening somewhere in the world. With popularity at an all time high one of the best side effects is the massive amount of amazing products to own. For instance, how about all of the super soft Marvel Phunnys that Kidrobot has released. You could fill one of those plastic kiddie pools with these to create the perfect lounge chair to watch tv. Or if you’re fandom is way more reasonable, then you could just use them to make your own plush versions of the films, upload them to the Internet, and be world famous!!! My ideas of “reasonable” might be a little different I suppose.